By Yasmin Boland
December brings a pretty exciting end to the year – there is a rather wonderful link between joy-filled Jupiter and healing Chiron (pronounced Ky-ron) on the 7th. Plus a Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 11th. If you’re about to go off on an adventure over Christmas, you are one of the signs best placed to really enjoy it.
The Full Moon eclipse takes place on December 11 at 01.36am AEDT.
How the eclipse will affect your sign…
As the month begins, you’re hopefully allowing yourself the luxury of caring less about the details and more about seeing The Big Picture. With any luck, you now have a much clearer sense or either where you are going (in a metaphorical sense) or where you want to go (in a literal sense).
There has been mind expanding going on – via travel, dreams of travel, talk with someone with connections far away or study. Now, though, as you might have guessed, it’s time to rein yourself back in and check out what’s going on in your own backyard. There are little tasks and chores which need to be attended to before you head off for the wild blue yonder.
How the Jupiter/Chiron link will affect you – it gives you the chance for some healing in your life, especially but not only re any issues you have had with exploring your spiritual side.
Also of note – on December 14, Mercury ends his latest reverse cycle and starts to move forwards again. For you, this promises less confusion and more clarity re your travel and study plans as well as with an plans you have for publishing and also spiritual queries.
Have a fantastic Christmas! There is actually a New Moon on Christmas day so make a wish as soon as you wake up on December 25! For Aries, it means you will be going into 2012 with a new spring in your step re your career.
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology