A note to everyone…
The planet of passion and power – Pluto – is being triggered this month by the Sun and Saturn (not in that order). The link from Saturn is especially huge – Saturn and Pluto are both slow moving planets so they don’t connect like this very often. Happily this link is a harmonious one so the effects on us all here on Earth should be positive.
Saturn is the planet who plugs away slow and steady, taking those of us willing to stay his course towards success in the form of stability and security. Pluto is the planet who blasts dead wood out of our lives and who is all about passion. Put them together and there is a change for change in one part of our life where we have been working away…
For you as an Aries, it’s all about your working life. You have made inroads and those inroads are now going to lead to positive changes in your life. The link between Saturn and Pluto peaks just after Christmas so with any luck, we will all be feeling as though our efforts in 2012 were rewarded with something that feels like stability.
As the year comes to an end, of course, we take in the date of the end of the Mayan calendar – December 21 2012. As an astrologer, I get asked again and again what I think about this date. Does it mean the end of the world? Or something else?
I stand by what I wrote in a book published nearly two years ago: Unless you’ve been living on the planet Uranus for the past couple of years, you’ve surely heard the so-called theories about the ending of the Mayan 5,125-year calendar and predictions that this means the end of the world is nigh.
(And if this is the first you’ve heard of it, please don’t panic!)
The theory is that thousands of years ago, the Mayans, made up a 5,125-year long calendar which ran and ran and ran … to 2012.
Not only was it astonishing that these ancient people were able to work all this out so far in advance … but the end of the calendar on December 21 2012 has got some modern people to wondering if it predicts the end of the world!
So – is the world going to end? Well, first of all, the Mayans themselves made no predictions that the world would end at the end of the calendar.
Next up, astrologically-speaking, it’s not looking terribly likely that the world will combust on that date. I’d actually like to quote my friend, US astrologer Lynn Bell, who said to me once as we discussed this topic over lunch: “I mean seriously, if you look at the astrology for December 2012, well, it’s certainly not the astrology an astrologer would pick for doomsday!”
And she’s quite right. There is nothing in the astrology to suggest the world is going to end then.
One of my favourite theories about what’s going to happen then is this; according to some Hindu sages, we are in an age called Kali-Yuga. The Kali-Yuga Age marks the most corrupt, depraved times in society and is traditionally said to last 432,000 years. Some people are saying that as of 2012, humanity finally reaches a nadir or the low point of this cycle and starts swinging back up towards a golden age of enlightenment. Here’s hoping!
I also love this theory; on December 21, 2012, there are going to be enough people in the world who understand the ancient Law of Attraction (which dates back millennia) so that there’s a critical mass or tipping point … and society comes to understand that we do create our lives with our thoughts and feelings and starts to work within this paradigm.
So be it!
Firstly, a look at the Moon Times for December. Please note that we are out of the eclipse season so life should settle down a little. Here are the New Moon and Full Moon times for the coming month:
The December 2012 New Moon takes place in Sagittarius on:
Sydney – December 13 @ 7.41pm AEDT
Auckland – December 13 @ 9.41pm NZST
New York – December 13 @ 3.41am EST
London – December 13 @ 8.41am GMT
The December 2012 Full Moon takes place in Cancer on:
Sydney – December 28 @ 9.21pm AEDT
Auckland – December 28 @ 11.21pm NZST
New York – December 28 @ 5.21am EST
London – December 28 @ 10.21am GMT
Have you decided on your New Year’s resolution? We all need to make one, don’t we? At the very least, it’s a form of intention-setting and as Diana Cooper says, “Intention releases a force that makes things happen”. One of the easiest ways to pinpoint where a New Year’s resolution could do us good is to look at where Saturn is in our chart. If you don’t know your natal chart, then going by your Star sign is the next best thing. So for you as an Aries, Saturn is now in your 8th House, which is all about sex and money. So here’s an idea for a resolution for you! In 2013, I resolve to work on any issues I have connected to sex or money. I know there will be times when this is tough and that me efforts will prove worthwhile!
Mercury has finished his latest reverse cycle as December begins and is now going forwards again, and will move into the sign of Sagittarius on December 11. Here’s what his passage through his sign can mean for you. And it’s good news, if you feel like you’ve had just about all you can take. You’re due a break! The intensity of the past few weeks is about to ease off. The people around you are about to ease off. You no longer have to consider face dark and/or scary facts every time you open your mouth. If you’ve spend the past few weeks tackling intense issues until your head hurts, pat yourself on the back and move on. It’s time to think about all that you’ve learned – this is the start of a four week period when exchanging ideas with others will expand your mind and teach you all kinds of amazing things about yourself and The World We Live In. If you’re about to head off on a journey, you are in perfect timing with the Cosmos. It could be a trip which really opens your mind to the word beyond your backyard. Ditto if you’re about to start a course of study or self-improvement. It’s like someone’s showing you a new area in your brain which you never used before.
Mars changes signs this month – just after Christmas Day – moving back into sign of Aquarius for the first time in two years. Mars is a very powerful planet so we will all feel his fire in this new sector of the skies as the year concludes. Your Mars message … as of December 26.
Look around you – are you surrounded by people you consider winners? Are they supportive? You’d better hope so because Mars in this part of your chart is all about the fact that it’s suddenly extra possible for you to achieve your goals – but only with a little help from your friends. And there’s another catch – Mars is a feisty little planet and wherever he goes, he takes his fiery attitude with him. Watch out that you don’t suddenly start taking on your mates and/or the people in your social circles, and the clubs and classes you belong to.
Your cosmic message (via the Sabian Symbols) for the end of the year: Soon you will see the light at the end of the tunnel! For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology