By Yasmin Boland
If your relationship have been feeling like a weight around your neck, this is the month to introduce some fantasy into the equation. Get your partner to tell you his/her dreams. It could do wonders for both of you. At work, you have excellent Stars for getting ahead. Keep putting in the hard yards. PS Travel extra is likely now.
Pretty much your best day for romance in November (but enjoy all of it!): November 22
Also very big news for everyone this month is the New Moon eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. We all have Sagittarius somewhere in our chart, and that’s where doors will be opening for us under this eclipse. Eclipses are like portals to the future. It’s up to us if we choose to go through the doors they open up!
The doors which are swinging open for you: Good news; the New Moon eclipse (which heralds beginnings and opportunities) is taking place in your Travel Zone. In other words, if what you really want to do is pack your cases (or backpack) and head off into the blue yonder, the Stars are totally on your side. Ditto if you want to stay home and do some kind of self-improvement course (which could prove life-changing) and/or if you’re about to do some study. What you do in the next three to six months will change the way you view the world, so go with your heart and explore the options which most appeal to you. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
The November New Moon eclipse takes place in Sagittarius on November 25 @ 5.09pm AEDT
PS If you know you’re a super stress head, watch out. Mars moves into your 6th House this month and in this part of your chart, Mars can bring up issues related to stress, anger management and how well you are looking after yourself, mind, body and spirit. You will probably feel quite like working extra hard – which is fine, as long as you don’t overdo it. Your desire to help others out can also be expected to skyrocket – once again, fine, as long as you leave enough energy in your reserves for yourself. Careful not to work so hard you start to lose your cool with co-workers and clients.
Also – a note for your diary: Mercury goes retrograde on November 24 and stays that way until well into December. More on what that means for you next month.
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology