By Yasmin Boland
With so many Aries relationships so demanding, you might be pleased to hear a change of focus is now required; your career needs your attention. What happens in October could be excellent news for you professionally and financially. But do keep doing the hard yards with the important people in your life eg: your boss, lover or ex. It’s turning point time.
This month, on October 9, Venus moves into your eighth house of sex, money, intimacy and taboos, where she’ll stay for around four weeks. This is one of the sexiest transits of Venus – though sometimes it’s very subtle. This is the part of your chart where you keep your feelings re jealousy and possessiveness, so be careful if you have a tendency in one of those directions. If you’ve already been struggling with one or both of those issues recently, matters can be expected to come to a head at some point over the next month. Subconscious psychological patterns which influence you when you’re in a relationship are likely to become more obvious – analyse yourself and see what you see. Be honest with yourself. Are you scared of letting someone get too close? What tactics are you using to keep them away? Sexually, this could be a super-charged month – make sure you don’t go getting in over your head, if you decide to Do Your Eighth House Thing and smash down taboos. Go at your own pace. Financially, this part of your chart is about shared cash – the coming four weeks is a particularly good time to either ask for a raise or a loan.
Also just FYI…
The October Full Moon takes place in Aries on October 12 @ 1.05pm AEDT
For you the Full Moon this month is about a struggle between what you need for yourself and what others need from you.
The New Moon takes place on Thursday October 27 at 5.55am Aussie East Coast time.The New Moon is the ideal time to lay down your plans and intentions for the coming month, so make up your wish list anytime after that. It also makes that Thursday excellent for any new business meetings and also first dates. The New Moon will be taking place in your Sex and Money Zone, so you have the chance of a recharge in those parts of your life. But don’t just sit there waiting for something to happen, take a step in the direction you want to go!
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology