ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20
Being the first of the zodiac signs, it’s no surprise that Aries are independent – go-getters, if you like. As an Aries you’re optimistic and enthusiastic; your vivacious personality makes you a natural born leader. People are tempted to follow your lead and considering Aries are generally generous and caring that’s not such a bad thing. However, like every zodiac sign, Aries have their less positive traits and yours is your tendency to be impatient. Better not waste any more time then…according to astrologer Yasmin Boland, here’s what’s in store for you this week…
“Rejoice and be glad Aries. You finally have Saturn out of your Love Zone. He has been in there since 2009 so basically, if you’ve had a rough time in your most important relationships during this time, now you know why. Relationships which are still standing have “meant to be” stamped all over them. And those that crumbled? Definitely for the best! Your love life is going to get easier now. To learn about the Universe and your Higher Self, read this book.”
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