If eyes are the window to the soul, we want them to look as good as possible, right? Yet when it comes to cosmetic eye surgery, we often leave our eyes in the care of a surgeon who specialises in cosmetic surgery— not cosmetic surgery of the eyes. Eyes are incredibly sensitive, and incorrectly performed cosmetic surgery can leave you with permanent eye issues.
Eyes are often the first area to show ageing, and given our outdoors lifestyle, and the long, hot summer our skin endures, Australian skin is prone to ageing quickly. In America, specialist orbital and ophthalmic facial plastic surgeons are the norm, whereas in Australia the majority of our surgeons will perform on many parts of the body.
Ageing of the eye area generally begins in your twenties, when lines that would normally disappear after you relax your face begin to leave a faint trace. In between the ages of thirty and forty, fat pads in the face begin to deflate, leaving the face less plump and with more wrinkles than before. And into your forties and fifties, the skin begins losing elasticity and tissue deflation increases, which lead to changes in your lid platform and crease. Solutions vary from avoidance of the sun, to artificial fillers and surgery.
Dr. Angelo Tsirbas is one of Australia’s leading orbital and ophthalmic facial plastic surgeons. He is renowned worldwide for his surgical innovations, and ability to offer natural solutions to eye ageing. Dr. Tsirbas is an expert in surgery for the eye area, and here he shares his advice on cosmetic eye surgery and achieving the most safe and effective results.
Find out more about Dr. Tsirbas here