“I wake up with a flat tummy and as the day progresses I look 6 months pregnant”. Sounds familiar? The following are 6 easy steps to prevent and address the underlying causes of bloating.
1. Eliminate suspecting foods
The greatest food culprits are dairy and grains. By descent, more than 70% of western Europeans can drink milk as adults, compared with less than 30% of people from areas of Africa, Asia and Oceania. In people who are lactose intolerant, lactose is not broken down and provides food for gas-producing gut flora, which can lead to diarrhoea, bloating and flatulence. Australian Biologics, screen for possible sensitivity reactions of up to 110 everyday foods, additives, sweeteners and colours.
2. Eat what we are designed eat, that is, whole fresh foods
We are not designed to eat processed foods. These lack natural enzymes and nutrients, which aid digestion and prevent wind and inflammation that cause bloating.
3. Consume bitters
Bitters such as chicory, radicchio and nettle and bitter herbal liquid remedies such as gentian root, dandelion root and wormwood, stimulate salivary and stomach enzymes and juices which in turn aid digestion. The response time from your taste buds through to digestive enzyme production can be measured in fractions of a second. Digesting well means breakdown and absorption of food and less time for food to putrefy and cause inflammation and bloating.
4. Weed out the bad bugs and re inoculate with good bugs:
General dysbiosis can be determined through a “Urinary indican test” https://www.ovvioorganics.com.au/urinary-indican-test This can be performed by your Naturopath. If you have had chronic diarrhoea and tummy bloating for more then a few weeks, a thorough stool test analysis may be in order. Healthscope’s Complete Digestive Stool Analysis test provides an overview of the components of digestion, absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora, as well as identifying pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeasts.
5. Prepare food well for digestion:
Certain foods require external preparation for better digestion. Grains, nuts, seeds and beans require soaking, sprouting, cooking or fermenting to inhibit anti nutrients such as phytates, which are not digestible by the human digestive system. Soak your nuts and seeds in water, salt and little squeeze of lemon juice, eat your muesli as a Bircher style by soaking overnight in yoghurt and soak your grains and beans in water, salt and lemon juice before cooking the next day.
6. Learn the art of eating well for complete digestion, absorption and elimination.
– Create time and space to prepare and eat a meal.
– Avoid eating on the run or when stressed. Blood flow shunts away from the digestive system inhibiting complete digestion when you are not relaxed.
– Chew and eat slowly. Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. Chew until food becomes liquefied.
– Sip in between bites if you are thirsty. Sip slowly only small amount of fluids during a meal. Drink a glass of water 15-30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after meals. This will prevent the dilution of digestive juices.
Your digestive system is the best juicer, extractor and food processor. Take care of what and how you eat to extract the best out of your food and create a flat, healthy, bloat free tummy!
by Anthia Koullouros www.ovvioorganics.com.au | Facebook | Twitter