Complementary medicines – why we should get curious and re-search what were actually putting into our bodies and which ones are right for us.
There is nothing as important as maintaing our health. Our bodies rely on us to make the right choices as to what goes into them so we can achieve the best level of health we can. These days it has become very common for people to turn to complementary medicines for when they are feeling sick and even as a daily supplement of vitamins and minerals instead of getting this nutrients from food, but is anyone actually being cautious about what they are putting into their bodies? NPS MedicineWise has stated in a recent Media Release that they urge people to research complementary medicines and ensure that they fully understand any risks, side effects or benefits from the product they are planning to use. Somethings to think about when considering complementary medicines: Complementary medicines such as herbal supplements and vitamins are becoming more and more popular in Australia, Dr. Lynn Weekes, CEO of NPS MedicineWise says that these medicines are often considered to be less powerful or less harmful than prescription medicines. In a survey by National Census of Medicines, less than half the people surveyed believed certain vitamins and herbs – like multivitamins, echinacea and fish oil- to be medicines. They are infact medicines and Dr. Weekes states that “no medicine is completely free of side effects”. Anthia Koullourous, Naturopath and RESCU’s Health and Wellbeing Expert said she wasn’t surprised by the surveys results and urged that seeking advice from a qualified practitioner is vital before self-prescribing any complementary supplements. Qualified professionals are the only people who understand how to prescribe an individual correctly depending on his or her circumstances or situation. After doing all research necessary, including seeing a practitioner, it is also important to choose the right product for yourself. Anthia says to “consider the source and processing of your supplements as you would your food”. Some complementary medicines are as synthetic as many drugs so choose products that are in their whole state, organic and crafted and prepared well. These are more likely to align with the bodies healing abilities. So be smart and get curious about what your putting into your body. Always first consult a professional and choose the highest quality of supplements that will work the best for your body and health. Learn more at NPS website – or call Medicines Line on 1300 MEDICINE to speak to a health professional.