“You may look and feel good as well as have more energy and vitality and feel sexy and proud. This book is for every woman,” share Emma and Jill, authors of The Happy Hormone Cookbook.
Read below as they share their every day guide to happy and balanced hormones:
We all have hormones – males and females. They change throughout our lives. They can help enhance our feelings of joy, contentment, balance and having a desire to be part of life, making us want jump out of bed every day.
They may however make us, particularly women, feel flat, vague, tired, listless, achy and in a funk. This can happen at any age.
Some women can have a tendency to produce more oestrogen than is beneficial to their body. Others may have low progesterone, giving them a higher proportion of oestrogen. Many of the foods in this book are designed to assist the body to eliminate excess oestrogen and bring the hormones into balance naturally.
Emma says, “what we feed our bodies is important, no matter what our hormones are doing.” The nourishing recipes in The Happy Hormone Cookbook are whole-foods designed to help positively enhance the action of your hormones. They are mostly plant based and full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Many are naturally gluten free.
In her nutrition clinic, Emma works with women who want to find this vitality and balance. She has written a range of every day recipes in response to her client’s needs and requests.
Emma says, “my clients see real results after a few weeks of following ‘the happy hormone’ way of eating. They find their weight starts to reduce and they have so much more energy. They walk out of my clinic joyous. Small changes can have big benefits.”
Jill knows first hand the importance of keeping her hormones balanced. Not only did she shift her daily foods to include fresh fruits, especially berries, nuts, seeds and pulses, she tries to choose organic vegetables and eats healthy fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, and lean grass fed meats and clean water fish whenever possible.
Minimising stress and exposure to toxins also makes a real difference in keeping your hormones balanced. Including daily exercise, being mindful, spending time in natural environs and doing something loving for you regularly help keep your mind, body and spirit in balance.
Jill says, “what I eat every day is important, but just as important is my lifestyle which includes meditation, yoga, pilates, bushwalking, gardening and time in the kitchen, often with friends. This all contributes to keeping my hormones balanced and certainly does give me the energy I need and want every day to live life to the full.”
Emma and Jill recommend
– Choosing wholefoods over processed
– Fresh is best
– Make it yourself. It always tastes better
– Enjoy your time preparing foods
– Make it organic whenever possible
– Grow your own in your garden or pot, or share a plot with others
– Exercise daily, any type of movement is great for your body
– Take time out for yourself regularly
“you may look and feel good as well as have more energy and vitality and feel sexy and proud. This book is for every woman.”
The Happy Hormone Cookbook, a collection of balanced and delicious whole food dishes created by nutritionist and former chef, Emma Ellice-Flint to generate a hormonal balance in your body.