By Yasmin Boland
Use the first half of the year to have a serious think about if, and where, you are taking life too seriously. If you have got into the habit of planning for the worst, get yourself out of it ASAP. This way of thinking is very unLeo and will only breed more problems. Disciplining your mind to look on the bright side is the best gift you can give yourself in 2012, as rigorous Saturn prepares to depart your Mind Zone. Socially, you have the best Stars you have had in ages as the work thing eases up and your social life takes off.
Big news early on in 2012 is the move of Neptune into Pisces for the first time since the mid-1800s!
As a LEO, well there is one question which you need to be asked. Have you ever wanted to try Tantric sex? This really is the time to go for it! Neptune, the planet of soul mates and all things unseen, is in your Sex Zone again, for a limited time only. It’s definitely a great time to go with your urge to merge. Seduce yourself and your partner. It’s also a time when you can earn money via spiritual work and when you need to be on guard against deception in money matters. If you’re confused by your accounts, get yourself a good accountant, preferably not a fellow LEO, nor an Aquarian!
And some just for January news: Sorry to say that this month is actually really good for getting rid of any so-called friends or outright enemies that you know you don’t want to have hanging off your fabulous Leo coat tails in 2012. Romantically, confusion clears mid-month, and either side of December 21 looks positively romance-potential packed.
What kind of lover are you? Find out here if you dare!