PCOS is one of the most common female afflictions I see in practice. More troubling still, is that it can be simply & effectively treated. How many hoards of women are suffering unnecessarily from a debilitating hormonal imbalance? Let this article give you hope that enacting even the most humble food & lifestyle measures, along with targeted herbal therapy, may be enough to bring relief from PCOS.
What does PCOS look like?
Common symptoms include:
• No menstrual period or light/infrequent periods (though sometimes periods can be regular)
• Lack of ovulation
• High levels of masculine hormones resulting in acne and hirusitsm (facial hair).
• Fat around the middle
• Insulin resistance
• Elevated homocysteine levels
Diagnosis is made through a pelvic ultrasound and hormonal testing: assessing cortisol, insulin and reproductive hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH, sex hormone binding globulin and free testosterone.
What is the cause?
There are many underlying causes. Anything that affects the health of hormones is implicated; hormone production, clearance, secretion, metabolism & nutritional status. I believe sugar, toxicity and stress are the main culprits alongside a history of the Oral Contraceptive pill.
Looking deeper at what’s happening in the body
• Improper hormone metabolism & production:
The liver is one of the major sites of hormone metabolism. A congested liver due to drugs, medications, alcohol, sugar can affect the metabolism of hormones. If the hormone excess exceeds the regulatory capacities of the liver, their level in the blood increases. Liver dysfunction also produces endogenous waste circulating in the blood stream that may interfere with communication between the pituitary, adrenals and ovaries.
• Hormone clearance via bowels:
The gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in the balancing of oestrogen. Healthy digestive function ensures that excess oestrogens are bound & excreted in fecal matter. But if gut function is compromised and the bowels become sluggish, oestrogen can be reabsorbed. Low fiber intake, inadequate hydration, poor intestinal integrity or improper gut flora all play a part in this.
• General toxicity:
Toxins are substances that negatively impact cellular processes. Every day we are exposed to a vast number of toxins from the foods that we eat, the fluids that we drink, the air that we breathe and the materials that we surround ourselves with. In addition, we produce a number of toxic by-products within our bodies through natural process of digestion and elimination, physical activity, infection fighting and stress-coping. Toxins impair digestion, liver function and immune health, which in turn affect every other body system. By lowering exposure to toxins and improving digestive function, we can reduce this burden.
• Blood sugar levels:
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels, candida, mineral deficiencies & excess body fat (especially around the abdomen) can promote insulin resistance, where it no longer works to get sugar into cells.
Hormonal imbalances can also occur for the following reasons:
o When we consume ‘exogenous’ hormones – i.e chemicals in our environment that mimic or interrupt our own.
o Phytoestrogens such as soy or bisphenol A – found in plastics & soy products
o Too many processed unsaturated fats, heated oils or industrial fats. These displace good healthy saturated fats and unprocessed unsaturated fats in the body.
o Malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies, eating disorders, fasting and excessive exercise
o Genitourinary infection
o Disorders of the endocrine system e.g. hypothyroidism
o Physical, emotional, and mental stress
o Lack of exercise, poor lymphatic flow, and circulation to pelvic organs
o Smoking, excess alcohol and caffeine
o Traveling regularity, changing time zones.
o History of taking the oral contraceptive pill
How do we address PCOS?
We always start by assessing the underlying cause and addressing it, consulting with your Naturopath or GP.
Specific herbal treatments include:
• Herbs to tone the ovaries such as False unicorn root and traditionally, Licorice and Peony.
• Symptoms of pain are relieved by spasm-reducing herbs such as Wild yam and Cramp bark.
• Excess body fat can lead to excess oestrogen. Androgen-reducing herbs are used including Chaste tree.
• Herbs to normalize blood sugar levels are Gymnema, Horopito and Fenugreek (though not consuming sugar altogether is the key).
• Herbs to tackle excess ‘male’ hormones include Chaste tree and Licorice.
• Growth of the cysts may also be reduced with herbs such as Thuja and Poke root.
As you can see, there are many ways to naturally combat PCOS, bringing your body & hormones back into balance and freeing yourself from symptoms.
NB: Herbal tonics are only available with a prescription from your Naturopath or Herbalist. A qualified practitioner will ensure your medication, supplements or disease state does not interact with the herbs. When an herbalist prescribes herbal medicine they consider one’s constitution: age, allergies, sensitiveness, robustness, size, temperature, current status of health and personality. Always remember to tell you practitioner if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
For more on Anthia, check out her website at www.ovvioorganics.com.au
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