Full Body Intelligence™ Test


Gut microbiome + Oral microbiome + Human Cells

Focused on optimizing gut and oral microbiome health and looking for the most comprehensive insights.

What’s included

Viome’s Full Body IntelligenceTM Test (includes our Gut Intelligence™ and Health Intelligent Test) is the most advanced, holistic health test currently available to consumers, and the first of its kind to analyze three key areas of your health as a whole, your gut microbiome, oral microbiome, and cells to give you a holistic view of the functions in your body that keep you healthy.

Personalized Insights

8 Integrative scores

Gut Health
Biological Age
Cellular & Energy Efficiency
Immune System Health
Inflammation Response Health
Oral Health
Heart & Metabolic Health
Brain & Cognitive Health

Over 50 subscores to support your food and supplement recommendations

Actionable Recommendations

Over 400 foods sorted into your personal list of Superfoods, Enjoy, Minimize, & Avoid foods

Customized Recommendations for the exact food extracts, minerals, vitamins, digestive enzymes, amino acids, & herbs to support your gut microbiome.

Recommendations for prebiotics and probiotic strains to support your scores

Option to order your supplements, prebiotic, & probiotic customized formula through your account