We might not have eclipses to deal with this month but there are still some ructions going on in the skies. Specifically, clashes involved the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.
Mars in particular seems to be in the wars. Which is sort of just how he likes it, since Mars is the planet of war and blood! On a personal level, when Mars is clashing as he is this month, in the sign of Capricorn.
It will be easier than usual to get into spats with the people who annoy or antagonise you, as well as with the people you love!
Image via pinterest
And here are the 5 hot and 1 not Venus dates for your diary…
October 1 – Venus trine Neptune – this is a very romantic connection and really rather a lovely way to start the month. Very good for a date or some kind of romantic rendez vous, or to set up a date for the evening of October 5…
October 5 – Venus sextile Pluto – this is less romantic and more passionate!
October 11 – Venus trine Chiron – there is a lot of love and healing in the air today and tonight.
October 26 – Venus square Neptune – if you think someone looks like a rat, smells like a rat, talks and walks like a rat – they could be a rat! Note this is the one not-lovely Venus connection of the month…
October 26 – Venus sextile Jupiter – arguably the most romantic night of the month – book a sitter!
October 29 – Venus conjunct Saturn – not exactly ROMANTIC however there could be some important home truths and/or commitments coming up today and tonight
The peak clash days of October for all of us: October 5, 7, 13, 16 and 29. All these are days are charged emotionally. Go easy! (If you know how to meditate, do it!)
Read more on your October Horoscopes here