Did you know that over 1 in 3 women suffer from the unspoken about Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) in Australia?
Did you also know that new technology has allowed a procedure to resolve these symptoms and allow women to return to a normal, healthy lifestyle?
“Women have been badly served with two of the most common problems they face after menopause,” claims visiting international expert Dr Scott Eder, Managing Director of the Center for Women’s Health USA.
“As high as 80% of women during and after menopause have what’s called vaginal atrophy, which is associated with vaginal dryness, inflammation, and pain – particularly during sex – and one in two have urinary incontinence when they exercise, laugh, cough and even stand up.”
Sydney gynaecologist, Louis Izzo agrees, sharing that the statistics in Australia are alarming.
“To date, there have been only been limited treatments available for vaginal dryness and stress urinary incontinence such as oestrogen cream, pelvic floor exercises and surgery, but there is a link between the two conditions and that is the clue to a major advance in addressing them.
“As women age, they go through many hormonal changes. They naturally lose collagen in their skin, which is what keeps it healthy. This can lead to the skin becoming thinner and sagging and, as a result, can lead to dryness. It is very common in women going through menopause, or post-menopause, and even after child-birth. The lack of lubrication can unfortunately make sex painful, which significantly impacts on a woman’s quality of life. Thankfully the FemTouch Venus treatment is a simple, effective and safe option for women to consider.”
“Fascinating research has shown that you can stimulate collagen production if you make the lining tissue in the vagina repair and rejuvenate itself,” argues Dr Eder. “The way to do this is by specially designed and gentle laser therapy. What we do is systematically bathe the entire vagina with light from a carbon dioxide laser that penetrates a tiny distance through the surface. The woman either feels nothing or only a little heat. The cells surrounding the treated tissue respond by producing more collagen and rejuvenated, thicker lining, significantly improving symptoms.”
“This new technology is far superior to anything we’ve seen before. It has five times deeper tissue penetration in a single pulse than any other system with no discomfort, meaning it has the ability to deliver a more effective treatment. It is also very fast, taking only a few minutes for the procedure, with three treatments four to six weeks apart. Women are able to return to normal activities the same day,” said Dr Eder.
Professor Izzo is excited to offer this world leading technology in Australia for the first time, stating that, “Importantly, at Gynaelaser, it is only utilised by our fully trained gynaecologists, making it very safe. It is incredibly exciting and I really believe it is the future for female vaginal health,”
For more information about Gynaelaser, click here